Don’t Be Fooled By Feng Shui

There are a lot of myths and superstitions linked to Feng Shui!  If you’ve ever Googled to topic, you’re likely to get confused because there is so much. While there are nuances to [...]


Year of the Tiger “Predictions”

ROAR!  Yep, it’s the Year of the Tiger starting Feb 1, 2022! And yep, it’s time to prepare, because it’s going to be an interesting one!  Every year, I do a meditation to tap [...]


Are Pets Good Feng Shui?

The short answer is YES! Well, if they are well-loved and taken care of. And if you have a good vacuum cleaner.  (wink, wink, you know what I mean.) In the Feng Shui bagua, pets fall under the [...]


The Creative Spark

We are currently discussing the Creativity/Children/Projects section of the bagua in the Feng Shui Odyssey, where we’ve stumbled upon the notion that creativity is “presence” [...]


Feng Shui School OPEN!

I’m thrilled to announce that the doors to the Wind Horse School of Feng Shui are officially open!  If you are considering Feng Shui as a career, or looking to go deeper in your personal [...]

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