Easy Feng Shui Cure for $$$ & Reputation Using Your Wallet

This is such an easy and fun cure!  See how you can feel more prosperous with these easy Feng Shui adjustments.  Your wallet has energy too!


A Feng Shui Cure for Harmonious Family Relationships

With the holidays upon us, we could all use any help we can get to ensure harmonious relations between family members, right?  Here’s a little fun Feng Shui tip that will infuse those relationships with an extra dose of positive energy.


P.S. These beautiful Southern ladies (born and raised in Alabama) are my two great-aunts and my grandmother (on the right), taken some years back.  This area of the bagua is more about your Family Heritage rather than the one you are creating (there is a Children section as well), so keep that in mind.  Photos of ANYONE in your Family work wonderfully!

GrandmamaIf you’d like for me to check out your floor plan and create the bagua map for you, email me!  It’s a great tool for all the Feng Shui cures you are receiving.



Easiest Feng Shui Cure for Attracting Good into Your Life

Here’s another Feng Shui tip for the front entrance of the home that is so easy!  Take a peek…


Feng Shui for the Interior of The Yoga Circle

I continue to chat with Stephen about our choices for the color of the yoga studio and the meaning behind that bamboo.  Stephen shares his Feng Shui results!  😉


Flowers in Feng Shui: Great Chi-raisers!

Nothing changes the energy of a space like adding fresh flowers.  (Okay, painting walls works well too!)   See why and how to use them to your greatest advantage for lifting the chi of your space.


Feng Shui for Attracting Business — The Yoga Circle

Stephen Fletcher of the Yoga Circle speaks with Katie about their process of cleaning up and cleaning out his space to raise the chi even higher than it already was!  (Yoga and chanting are good space clearers, in themselves, FYI.)  Thanks, Stephen!


Inviting Chi with Feng Shui: Front Entrance 101

Hey there!

Here’s a little peek at how I keep welcoming good energy into my life.  Thanks for watching!

Cheers & chi,



I Lucid Dreamed for the First Time, and It Was Awesome

In my 20s, I wrote down my dreams almost every morning, studied Jung and symbolism, and read and re-read books like Ann Faraday’s Dream Game and Denise Linn’s The Hidden Power of Dreams.

I was obsessed with dream work, eager to learn as much as I could, eventually discovering that beneath the twisted symbolism were answers to our life issues that occasionally predicted the future!

But not until a few nights ago had I ever lucid dreamed. 
And, boy, was it worth the wait.  It was amazing!
What is a lucid dream?  In my understanding, it is a dream where you know you are dreaming and can therefore manipulate the experience.  
The idea is that if you can get in that strange and wonderful state where you are basically simultaneously asleep and awake, you can learn to use those skills in your waking life — manifesting, creating, and healing in a deeper way.
To say this was a spiritual experience is an understatement! 
This first lucid dream was triggered by the fact that, recently, a dear friend of mine and her partner (kundalini yoga teachers, Kewal Nam and Atma, respectively) were experimenting with lucid dreaming themselves.  Atma’s Tibetan Buddhist tradition teaches that many healing techniques can be strengthened and practiced through lucid dreaming.   
Cool, right?!  Yeah, Kewal Nam and I thought so too.
So when Kewal shared her latest lucid dream experience with me, giving techniques on how to shift into that state, I declared my desire to have it happen too.  

Not two weeks later, when I least expected it, it did!

Here’s how to prompt a lucid dream:


1.     Set a “trigger.”   I had read years ago that if you can look at your hands in your dream, it is a way to know if you are dreaming.  That is exactly what happened to me, although Kewal had suggested that you could also elicit it by reading something (only to look away and look back to different words) or by seeing your reflection.   I believe that the “hands” notion worked for me because it had been instilled in my psyche for so long, and also, my mind was freshly prepared for lucid dreaming because of my recent intention to do it.
2.    In your dream, ask yourself if you are dreaming.  Because my trigger was set, when I saw my hands, I immediately said to myself in my dream, “I think I’m dreaming.”  I looked around and realized that the scenario was bizarre, which confirmed it.  I got really excited, knowing that I could now do whatever I wanted…because I was dreaming and I knew it!
3.    Have a goal.  I now know that it’s really nice to know what you want to do in a lucid dream before you go into that state, because I was so excited to be lucid dreaming, I sort of didn’t know what to do first.  So I flew.  It took a moment of getting through self-doubt (can I really fly?), but soon I was off, soaring into a mystical sky!
4.    Believe in the magic of dreams.   The Universe is huge and mysterious and amazing.  To close yourself off to the power of your subconscious, or dreamtime, or spirit guides or anything beyond logic is to certainly block yourself from experiencing the powerful experience of a lucid dream.  The next day, the world looked fresh and clear and new, and I was filled with gratitude and wonder, and I experienced a flow and knowing that was almost child-like.
So what happened in my dream?  Well…
…while I was flying, I looked over a city that I knew was the future.  It was vivid green and submerged in a gorgeous tree canopy with lovely sleek, silver buildings speckled throughout, peeking out above the trees, columnar-like.  It was full of hope, and I believe it was a reminder that this is the direction the world will go as we individually and collectively develop a higher consciousness.  It was nature and city in harmony.

The dream continued, with me going in and out of awareness, and several times, I had the opportunity (including seeing my reflection, which was smiling while I made funny faces at it) to remind myself I was dreaming.   At one point, I remembered Atma’s learning, and I beamed out some light to the world for healing.

After all….”Life what is it, but a dream?”

Prosperity Cures! Money Trees & Lucky Bamboo

The easiest cure I can think of to get your finances growing is to put a plant in the Money area of your home or office (or even desk!)

Remember, the Money gua (purple) is the back left corner
of the space when you are standing at the entrance facing in.

Plants are generally just awesome because they are alive and therefore will generate beneficial chi (which loosely translates to “life force”).  But plants also clean the air, emit oxygen, and reduce the effects of EMFs.  Plus they are pretty, and they bring healing nature indoors, into your space.

Feng Shui 101:  There are two plants that are known to be great for the Money gua.
The Money Tree (duh) & Lucky Bamboo.


This is the Money Tree.   It’s scientific name is Pachira aquatica.  It can come small (say 8 inches high and be able to sit on an end table, like you see here), or they can get quite large, up to three feet or more!  The trunks are usually braided, and the leaves are a lovely, shiny green that sprout very easily and, well, abundantly.

Source for Lucky Bamboo

This is the Lucky Bamboo.  It’s scientific name is Dracaena braunii.  These babies also can come quite small, as short as 3-4 inches, but they can be quite big, as tall as five feet!

Both these plants grow easily with very little effort on your part.  The Money Tree only needs little watering once every other week or so.  It thrives in all sort of light conditions as well, including dim.  The Lucky Bamboo can simply sit in water, so all you have to do is change the water or just add some every few weeks.  It too is sturdy and survives for quite a while even in zero light!

Wood is the element for the Money gua, and these plants are perfect symbols for how you would like your Money to be:  growing with little effort, providing pleasure and breathing room, and easy to tend to.

Happy plant-buying!  Cha-ching!



Are Past Lives Real? My Friend’s True Story

A close friend of mine had this happen to her.  This is a 100% true story.  I’m a little jealous it didn’t happen to me, because it’s a really freakin’ cool story.  (But not that jealous, because, as you’ll see, it’s not all sunshine and roses.)

Because this friend is in a conservative profession in a conservative part of the country, she’d rather be anonymous for this post, therefore, we will call her “Jan.”  It should also be noted that ever since I’ve known Jan (which is many years), she is almost infamous for how often she has to use the lady’s room (number 1, thank you).  It is constant.  This is pertinent to the story, so bear with me.


A few years ago, Jan was dating a fellow for a short spell.  It was not the smoothest of relationships, and when they finally broke up, Jan was particularly torn up about it — “unnaturally” so, as she put it.  Sure, he had become cold as ice, but Jan had handled break-ups before, so why was this one so devastating?

The therapist she saw on occasion suggested that perhaps she try a past-life regression.  Jan was open to the idea — anything to give insight into this painful split.

(For those of you new the concept of past lives, please know that many people believe that our souls reincarnate over and over again on the Earth plane, in different bodies and throughout time, to work out “karma.”  I personally find this notion fascinating.  After all, a glimpse into a past life can offer tremendous information about the current one and can be used as a powerful healing modality.

Jan’s story is one such example.)

The therapist led Jan through a sort of hypnosis, where Jan was to imagine herself back to a time when she felt 100% happy and secure.  She saw herself nursing at her mother’s breast.  After that, the therapist guided her to go back further, to a time and place before she was born in this body.

“Go back to the first time that you really felt abandoned,” the therapist suggested.  “Now look at your feet.”


Jan’s mind’s-eye looked down and saw lovely tiny dark feet wearing exquisitely beautiful sandals.  As the therapist kept making suggestions and asking questions, guiding the regression, Jan saw herself as a dainty and pretty young woman from a noble family in Egypt.  She saw her parents, who were nurturing and kind.  There was singing and dancing, and it was obvious that she lived a charmed and extremely happy childhood.  Soon enough, at marrying age, she became one of the King’s wives, given that she was beautiful and of noble birth.

Here’s where the story gets ugly.  The next thing Jan felt, as her therapist led her along, was absolute devastation.  She was suddenly starkly alone.  It turned out that this girl-queen had given birth to a baby boy, and the baby had died from intense childbirth complications.  As a result, the childless mother had been confined to a dark, small, dungeon-type room.

It was there that this young queen died, completely abandoned, completely distraught.

Jan intuitively understood that the current ex-boyfriend was indeed the king who had left her to this cruel death, which is why it was so difficult for Jan to process the break-up.  Jan was recalling that past life on a subconscious level, in order to heal it.

Sure enough, after this regression, Jan felt much calmer about the whole break-up and was able to move on.  In her words, “Something had shifted.”


The story would typically end here, and you, dear reader, would perhaps leave this post, casually considering whether there is any validity to this past life thing, or if it’s simply a trick of the mind to help process intense emotions.  After all, how glamorous (and cliche) to have been a beautiful Egyptian queen, right?

However, the next week, Jan ran into an acquaintance, “Lisa,” whom she hadn’t seen in a long while.  They agreed to meet up for lunch to reconnect.  At that lunch, Jan felt moved to tell Lisa about the past life regression.  To Jan’s surprise, Lisa said, “I know what you had.”

Jan said, “Excuse me?”

“I know what you had, after childbirth, that made you go into confinement,” Lisa continued.  “You know, every year I pick a new charity to support, and this year, I picked one on this medical condition called ‘fistula.'”   Lisa went on to explain that obstetric fistula is a condition that can happen to mothers in or leading to difficult childbirths.  Often the baby dies, and the mother is left without the ability to control her urine or feces.

Back in ancient Egypt, before modern medicine, it is absolutely possible that even a queen would be put into confinement and left to die, given that she had no way to control her bodily excrements and would be considered unclean and unfit to be in public or even remain alive.

Jan could feel a chord of truth in Lisa’s suggestion, uncanny as it was.

That evening, Jan dared to type these words into the Google search engine:
fistula egyptian queen

Sure enough, she found the following:
Vesicovaginal fistula was first documented in the mummified remains of Egyptian Queen Henhenit (11th Dynasty, 2050 BC), which were examined in 1923 by Derry.1

And then more:
The modern study of ancient Egypt began with Napoléon’s invasion in 1798.  Napoléon took with him a small army of scholars and scientists to investigate Egyptian civilization, resulting in the discovery of the Rosetta Stone and a new fascination with mummies.  The mummy of Queen Henhenit shows evidence of horrific childbirth trauma, providing early evidence of the dangers and difficulty of human childbirth.  Against this background, Dr. L. Lewis Wall, M.D., Ph.D., M.A., of Washington University, describes the problem of obstructed labor in developing countries, explains the nature of the severe childbirth injuries encountered there, and discusses his work with birth-injured women in Africa and his project to build a specialty hospital in the West African country of Niger.

And then more:
“In 1935 Professor D.E. Derry at the Cairo School of Medicine examined the mummified remains of an Egyptian Queen, Queen Henhenit, who had lived around 2050 BC.  When the abdominal cavity was opened Derry discovered an opening between the bladder and vagina.  Queen Henhenit’s pelvis was an abnormal shape and Derry postulated that it would have been difficult for a fetal head to pass. The severe damage he found probably occurred at the time of childbirth, resulting in Henhenit’s death.  The hole in the bladder, he thought, may have been caused by the abnormally narrow pelvis through which the child had to be dragged by force. Poor Queen Henhenit had the dubious honor or having had the earliest known vesico-vaginal fistula.”     –from The Hospital by the River: A Story of Hope by Catherine Hamlin

After these amazing finds, I’m happy to report that Jan does not feel the pressing need to urinate every thirty minutes, but instead only every hour or so.  I’m also happy to report that she has given birth to healthy children in this lifetime, with no complications nor drama.  I would also like to stress that Jan is not in the medical field and had never heard of fistula before that day, nor had she studied ancient Egypt in any way where she would have come across this sliver of information, making it impossible for her psyche to be impressed with this story.

So I ask you, dear reader, what do you think?  Do we only live once?  Or do we get to come back over and over and over, real time travelers and explorers of the Earth and life?

In other words:  Who….are…you?

Alice in Wonderland (source)




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