Why Red Doors are a Cliche in Feng Shui

You may have heard the cliche in Feng Shui concerning red front doors:  that if your front door is red, it’s good Feng Shui or to have good Feng Shui, your front door must be red.  The answer to this is NO, this is not true! You absolutely do not need a red front door for good chi. In fact, you don’t have to have a single drop of red on your entire property!

However, I like to say that cliches are cliches for a reason.  Sometimes, a home just calls for that red front door, and if it does, I am sure to suggest it, knowing full well that the client may or may not resonate with it!  After all, the red front door can be a major cure.

In the case of Lanier Isom, author of Grace and Grit, the red front door was the perfect answer.  Her home is set back on the property and the driveway curves in a certain way so that chi was escaping before it could reach the entrance to her home.   Symbolically, this could represent missed opportunities for the inhabitants, as well as health issues and the like.  Besides, Lanier was tired of the “shutter” door (like a screen door) that covered the glass pane door, so she decided to get rid of it, and update the remaining door with a fresh coat of paint.

How delighted I was when she agreed on the red!  Why?  Because I know how powerful a charge a red front door can give a space.  It’s like shouting out to the Universe, “Helloooo, I’m here, and I’m ready for ALL THE GOOD you have to send my way!  Woohooooo!!!  See me, I’m here!  Bring it on!”   A red front door has the potential to change EVERYTHING for the better.  And it works fast.

Sure enough, Lanier had some unexpected career opportunities appear out of nowhere soon after painting the door.  🙂  Whether it’s the work she’s done over the past year with decluttering and Feng Shui, or just the door itself, we will never know, nor does it matter.

The point is, the “face lift” she’s given to her home is serving her and her family in ways unseen and invisible.  Plus, it’s just pretty, don’t you think?


How Pets Are Great Feng Shui

You all hear me use the word, “chi” a lot.  “Chi” translates loosely to “energy” in English.

In Feng Shui, we want to promote positive, free-flowing chi in the home so that a person can cultivate a positive, in-the-flow life.

There are gazillions of ways to cultivate chi…and pets are one of them.  As long as they are healthy and happy, a sweet dog, cat, or other loving and well-loved animal brings life — and unconditional love (the best chi of all) — into the home!

So please, take care of and thank your sweet furry or feathery or scaly friend, because they are doing way, way more for you than you know!

Note:  if you are considering adopting a pet, please go to your local shelters first!  There are many abandoned, sweet animals that need homes.  Also, only give an animal as a gift if you are 100% sure that the recipient can afford the time and care it takes to give the love the pet deserves and needs.  


Easy Fixes for Major Life Change using Feng Shui

Once again, I emphasize the importance of the front entrance for attracting positive vibes into your life!

An important thing to take note of is the fact that even seemingly small annoyances can actually be representative of big rifts in the positive flow of energy.  Think about it:  In Jill’s case here, her mailbox would not open properly, and every time she went to get the mail, it took some slightly extra effort.  Plus, this flaw was noticeable to the “subconscious eye” of anyone visiting.  Therefore, given that this is at the ever-important front entrance, there was a lower quality of chi entering the home in general!  No matter how well-decorated the interior is, this “little” problem was actually causing major rifts in the positive potential of the home!  Since everything is symbolic in Feng Shui, this meant that there was a general lower vibe in the inhabitants’ lives.  The little mailbox issue was not so little!

But how cool is it that such an easy fix (just fix the darn mailbox!) can raise the vibration in a major way!


Furniture Arrangement & How It Affects Your Relationships

Here we are again with Jill Moore — the newlywed who used Feng Shui to attract her husband.  This time we are discussing her decision to buy new furniture for the living room, and how these purchases are actually a powerful cure to keep harmony in the family.


Feng Shui for Attracting Romance

Feng Shui really can be pivotal in helping you manifest a satisfying romantic relationship.  Meet Jill Callaham, who recently because Mrs. Moore!

Katie and Jill discuss some basic tips for how to attract “the one.”


How Furniture Is More Than Just Furniture in Feng Shui

People come to me, not to just improve the look and feel of their homes, but with their life issues.  It’s my job to find “clues” around their homes and offices that could possibly be symbolic blocks to the lives they are desiring.

Furniture is a key component to promoting Feng Shui in a space, but the ways it is affecting you may surprise you.

Think about it:  If someone wanted to find a romantic partner, and they were sleeping in a  single bed, wouldn’t that be a powerful signal to the Universe that there wasn’t room for that special someone?

When someone wants better connection to their community, but their living room furniture is set up so that it really is comfortable only for one or two people, that too can be sending the message out of: I want to be alone!

Sometimes, it’s a simple shift in the layout of the furniture, but in some cases, a client may need to make new purchases.

Here, we are back with Stephen Fletcher, owner of The Yoga Circle in Birmingham, Alabama, and we discuss how his choice for improved shelving actually helps promote business!



My Fave Declutter Books

Don’t even get me started on clutter  (Just put the word “declutter” or “clutter” into the Search window on my blog, and you’ll get some goodies!)  Hope you all will join me in January for the BIG CLEAN OUT in preparation for Chinese New Year.  Class starts Jan 13th and lasts 27 days!  DO IT!  Make 2016 the best yet!


Music for a Higher Vibe

We all know how a good song can shift our mood, right?  After all, sound IS vibration.  Shift the energy in your home (or in this case, your car) and you’ll feel immediate results!

Here’s a quick listen at one of my favorite artists for raising my vibration (and yes, I get a little enthusiastic at the end here).   Enjoy!


A Kundalini Yoga Demonstration by Kewal Nam

I love yoga, and I particularly love Kundalini Yoga.  Kundalini is a branch of yoga using breath, meditation, poses, and chanting.  It can be a little (okay…very) strange to those who haven’t tried it, but I encourage you to “be weird” and give it a shot.  You’ll see — you’ll feel high and glowing after a class!  Try this set in your own home for a taste, presented by my dear friend and teacher, Kewal Nam.

Enjoy the high!


Rainbow Magic in the Home

I have a special affinity for rainbows.  My friends know to text or call me right away if there’s one hanging around outside.  And I seem to find them in the strangest of places, at the most opportune times.

The symbolism of rainbows is timeless! The message is: “Have hope, believe in magic, and hold onto your faith.”  They are reminders of our true selves — our true colors, so to speak — and that we are all connected through the vibration of love.  Putting rainbows in your home in some way, either through artwork, decor, or round-faceted crystals and prisms, are powerful reminders of the beauty of life.


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