We believe that everyone deserves a beautiful, functional space that feels great…

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I’m Katie, & I’m so glad you made your way here.

Please feel free to explore these pages ~ read about the on-going classes, my extensive blog, and anything else that grabs your attention. Follow the chi, if you will!

If you’re looking for a Feng Shui intensive study, including the option to be certified as a consultant, please visit my page, the Wind Horse School of Feng Shui.

In the meantime, I hope you sign up for my newsletter, which has the most up-to-date offerings.  That includes the Zoom links to the FREE monthly First Friday Zoom@Noon discussions ~ Join us!

I look forward to connecting with you.  10,000 blessings your way!

Cheers and chi, Katie


The Feng Shui Odyssey + Wind Horse School of Feng Shui CERTIFICATION. Begins March.  learn more.

First Friday Feng Shui Zoom@Noons. FREE.  Sign up for newsletter to receive link.  SEE BELOW: bottom right!

Declutter Jamboree: a 27-day group “tidying” experience.  Every Jan  …learn more.

Feng Shui & the Energetics of Money eCourse.  May 2024!  Click on Classes at the top of this page!

The Feng Shui for Romance eCourse. Dates TBD …learn more.

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